10 Steps to Total Health: Habit 1 - mindful and intuitive eating

Diet mentality: The belief that if we follow controlled meal plans, label foods “good” and “bad,”and restrict certain foods, we will achieve our ideal weight and health. This results in weight cycling, changes in body composition, higher fat stores, decreased ability to recognize internal cues, lower metabolism, low self esteem, disordered eating, and a sense of failure.

Intuitive eating: The belief that your body knows best. You honor your hunger, make peace with food, challenge the food police, respect your fullness, experience satisfaction, reward yourself without food, embrace your body, exercise for health, and find balance.

Mindful eating: Being present in the experience of eating. This means no distractions! When you eat, you are aware of how much and what you put in your mouth. You savor each bite. You pay attention to the textures and flavors. You legitimately enjoy the food you are consuming. Allowing yourself this pleasure reduces cravings and increases satisfaction.

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