Summer might as well be officially over. The kids are back in school, the warmest days are now almost equal to the coldest nights from just a month ago and I'm heading back into the shop with the video camera to start building more great stuff to share with all of you.

Yes, I'd say Summer is about ready to be tucked away under a pile of dead leaves very shortly. So that means it's time to start posting some of this content I've been filming.

To get these new episodes started on a solid footing I'm posting my recent build of Benchcrafted's Moxon Vise Kit. If you're not familiar with Benchcrafted already, you might want to take a few moments to visit their website and checkout their amazing bench hardware and plans.

Jameel and the guys don't mess around with quality, they have one set of standards...GOLD. I've never read a review or commentary that didn't involve their hardware being praised in the highest way. So when I had a chance to try one of their Moxon Vise Kits I jumped at the opportunity. AND MAN WAS I NOT DISAPPOINTED!!!

At this point I could go on about the quality of their craftsmanship and the details of the instructions, but I won't even begin to scratch the surface of how impressed I am with it. You'll just have to watch and see for yourself.

For more information on any of the Benchcrafted products visit Tell them Matt sent you, hopefully they won't blacklist your email LOL!

And one more thing; for the sake of transparency, I received this kit from Benchcrafted in exchange for advertising. BUT, I would've heaped the same praise on them regardless!

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