Previous Episode: 466 WIA Marketplace

The holiday season is practically knocking on our doors and it's the perfect time to start thinking of projects for loved ones and friends. Who doesn't love receiving a gift you know was made with their own two hands? I know my family does, and up until this year they've been sadly disappointed in the past. But not this time around!

Ever since the guys at Bell Forest have become an advertiser on the site I've been haunting THEIR website looking at amazing stock for project ideas.

One thing that caught my eye early on was some of the project kits they had available. These are kits perfect for a weekend build or just for someone looking for an easy to assemble gift without a lot of hassle with designing and planning the construction process.

The Paddle Cutting Board is one of those kits. Sent with everything you need to build; the wood, the template, the directions. All you need to add is time, tools, glue and you. Who could ask for more?

To find out more about the Paddle Cutting Board kit or any of the other great offerings from Bell Forest visit their website at You better hurry though, now that the holidays know were talking about them they'll charge right at us instead of sneak up from behind.

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