Previous Episode: 464 Benchcrafted Moxon Vise

It's the final episode in the "Walls of Shelves" series. In today's episode I'm applying a veneer edge banding to the exposed edges of the shelving units and ALL the shelves that go with them.

Unlike in previous builds where I've opted to use solid edge banding, this time I'm turning to the pre-glued version. I've always been skeptical, to some degree, about how reliable it can be. But once the heat re-activated the glue, all my skepticism went out the window. It not only holds better than I anticipated, it set up faster than I thought it would. So there was a bit of a learning curve to getting it in place without a lot of swearing.

My other big concern with edge banding veneer was whether it would look fake and obviously applied. But just like with any wood joint, solid or not, it's a matter of leveling and sanding for a perfect mating surface. In fact, hopefully in the second half I'll be able to adequately show you what I mean.

If after watching the show you have an alternate method to anything we've discussed in the entire build series I'd love to hear about it, leave a comment below or drop me a line by CLICKING HERE.

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