Next Episode: Dancing in the Rain

Do you notice that your thoughts are going back and forth in your mind all day long like a ping pong match? Do you constantly judge everything as good or bad or right and wrong? When we do this all day long we can literally drive ourselves crazy. Things are not good or bad, life just is. When we can learn to live in the moment and accept it as it is without a commentary about the person, place or thing, this is where the peace is. This is learning to live in the moment. Life is not either/or life is both sides of the coin. This can be a difficult concept to implement and when we can just begin to take baby steps towards this way of living and we drop storylines that we attach to whatever is happening we can live in a more peaceful and alive place.

“Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn, a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter. If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things, this is the best season of your life. “ ~Wu-Men Hui-K’ai, Chinese Zen Master

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Episode 49