Do you ever wonder why you feel depressed or anxious? Do you ever wonder why you don’t have fulfilling relationships in your life? Do you feel like you aren’t living your best life? In this episode Kim and Tia talk about the results/outcomes that may surface when we wear masks and cover up who we really are on the inside. Do you struggle to be vulnerable with people because it feels scary to show your real self. Vulnerability is the birthplace of true connection, but it takes courage to say what we really think and what we feel. Without a deep connection to oneself and to others, it is difficult to feel fulfilled. It is not an easy process to take these masks off, but we invite you to take a look and see what one mask you might be able to start removing.

"I don’t think men are fundamentally flawed or broken. Not at all. They are just trapped. I know that is the way I felt for 30 years of my life. Remember those boxes that we stuffed our emotions into when we were younger? As we outgrew the boxes, they transformed into masks that hold us back and hurt our friends, family, career partners and intimate lovers."  - Lewis Howes "The Masks of Masculinity"

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Tia Fagan


Facebook: @tiafagancoach

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Kim Gross


Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy

Email: [email protected]