Next Episode: Why Do We Suffer?

Do you hesitate to set a necessary boundary with another because you are afraid of the possible push back. Setting boundaries can be very difficult for the people pleaser because there may be conflict and the people pleaser does not want to disappoint. How often do you find yourself saying yes to someone when you really want to say no. If you find yourself doing this often, the consequence to yourself is that you may notice that because you are not being truthful or authentic, you run the risk of not feeling good about yourself. Boundaries are healthy for us and it allows the other to take 100 percent responsibility. Setting boundaries does not mean that we are mean and selfish it just means that we are trying to take care of ourselves. Oftentimes, when we set boundaries it allows the other an opportunity to learn and be self-sufficient.  It is so important to get comfortable with the uncomfortable feeling of the other person being upset with you or creating conflict with you.

“Setting boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesn't make me mean, selfish, or uncaring because I don't do things your way. I care about me too.” ― Christine Morgan

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Episode 24