We often think that we can THINK and DO our way to wealth and business success, but what do Chakras have to do with accelerating the speed of manifesting that wealth? Chakras are not often seen by the naked eye, and up until I experienced my own chakra balancing sessions did I even know what they look like, and what functions they really have. This is a true recount of how balancing chakras led to visions and clarity around WHY wealth (the kind of wealth which aligns with your definition of "riches" itself) had not yet aligned to my physical reality.


In this episode, you'll hear of life experiences which you may be experiencing (without even knowing it), which create distance between you and. your ideal business. These stories are recounts of accessing the subconscious and higher self to see and fill any imbalances which had created a path down to disconnection from true wealth and joy. The truth is, as business owners, and people who have desires for our physical selves to connect with the things and experiences that we want to manifest, it's no denying that we operate from a conscious state, often forgetting that the frequency which drives our vibrations is sitting in memories and beliefs within the subconscious.


The explanation in this podcast is my version of articulating how energy healing translates to practical thinking and behaviours which cause our reality to shift.


Feeling like something is misaligned in your business? Download my free Business Alignment Guide from the link below. It is a 22-page journal-style guided business audit. It will reveal to you which of the 3 pillars of alignment are fully aligned, or out of balance.




Want to experience your own life-changing shifts and release your blocks for easier manifestations? Book your 

Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) session with my healer, Elaine Leek @elainesarahleek on Instagram

Single RIM Session: https://bit.ly/rim-single-pod 3-Week Group RIM (On sale until 20 January): https://bit.ly/rim-group-pod 16-Week 1:1 RIM Program: https://bit.ly/rim-1-1-pod



If you have any questions or want to share any similar experiences, message me on instagram.com/missfernandez__ or instagram.com/market_and_manifest.