When we talk about manifestations, we often forget that our conscious mind is the one which talks about the thoughts and actions that we take in order to bring these manifestations to life. In law of attraction, where the frequency of our vibrations is the marker of how close we are to bringing these manifestations to life, there is little conversation around what is happening in our subconscious minds. Imagine if our conscious mind had its own frequency and our subconscious mind had its own frequency too. How do you know if they are in alignment with each other? 1. By your manifestations NOT becoming tangible yet. Yes. But then, how do we get the subconscious and conscious frequency to align? Here is the short answer: by accessing your subconscious so that you can see what's going on in there.

This podcast is part of a 3-part series related to accessing the subconscious and accessing the chakras to see which areas are out of balance and need alignment. In these episodes, listen out for any behaviours or thoughts which you may have experienced because these thoughts and behaviours are telltale signs of your connection with your desires. I share these stories as a way to translate esoteric experiences to the practical world. 

If you want to know more about how to speed up your manifestations from the point of view of a "consumer" or person undergoing their own transformation via various mind and soul modalities, follow this podcast.

Feeling like something is misaligned in your business? Download my free Business Alignment Guide from the link below. It is a 22-page journal-style guided business audit. It will reveal to you which of the 3 pillars of alignment are fully aligned, or out of balance.



Want to experience your own life-changing shifts and release your blocks for easier manifestations? Book your 

Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) session with my healer, Elaine Leek @elainesarahleek on Instagram

Single RIM Session: https://bit.ly/rim-single-pod 3-Week Group RIM (On sale until 20 January): https://bit.ly/rim-group-pod 16-Week 1:1 RIM Program: https://bit.ly/rim-1-1-pod


If you have any questions or want to share any similar experiences, message me on instagram.com/missfernandez__ or instagram.com/market_and_manifest.