If you've been on the fence about trying energy healing...this episode is for you. You'll discover the physical feelings of healing from a cellular level...and its manifestations thereafter. I mean...I had this healing on Friday, and without directly working on anything related, made a $2500 sale on Monday night. 

Theoretically, I'd known about the power of energy healing before...but knowing is different from experiencing. Imagine expanding yourself and then expanding your business results...without even really trying. YES. THIS IS ENERGY HEALING.

Feeling like something is misaligned in your business? Download my free Business Alignment Guide from the link below. It is a 22-page journal-style guided business audit. It will reveal to you which of the 3 pillars of alignment are fully aligned, or out of balance.



Want to experience your own life-changing shifts and release your blocks for easier manifestations? Book your 

Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) session with my healer, Elaine Leek @elainesarahleek on Instagram

Single RIM Session: https://bit.ly/rim-single-pod 3-Week Group RIM (On sale until 20 January): https://bit.ly/rim-group-pod 16-Week 1:1 RIM Program: https://bit.ly/rim-1-1-pod


If you have any questions or want to share any similar experiences, message me on instagram.com/missfernandez__ or instagram.com/market_and_manifest.