We think that if we think about money, and focus on financial goals, that eventually, we'll get the money that we want to attract.


But what if you could get insight on a part of you - a part of your being - which is actually disconnected from receiving money?


And from there, how do we bridge that gap?


Until I discovered energy work, I thought that money was related to strategy; but when I looked at all the types of people in the world - why do some people without complex strategies continuously sit in receiving mode, while others who are burned out,  have been working on their business for years, consistently yo-yo their income?


"Be, Do, Have" < The model for effortless attraction of desires. I'd heard of it before, but if the conscious mind THINKS that it is BEING in a way enough to effortlessly create wealth, then why isn't every hard-working person effortlessly creating wealth?


In this episode, you'll be able to hear whether any of your chakras are needing some TLC in order for you to reconcile your relationship with money via the self. Ultimately, money is energy. We are energy. And in this episode, you will witness what it's like to shift your internal understanding of yourself to align with the frequency of money.


Feeling like something is misaligned in your business? Download my free Business Alignment Guide from the link below. It is a 22-page journal-style guided business audit. It will reveal to you which of the 3 pillars of alignment are fully aligned, or out of balance.





Want to experience your own life-changing shifts and release your blocks for easier manifestations? Book your 

Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) session with my healer, Elaine Leek @elainesarahleek on Instagram

Single RIM Session: https://bit.ly/rim-single-pod 3-Week Group RIM (On sale until 20 January): https://bit.ly/rim-group-pod 16-Week 1:1 RIM Program: https://bit.ly/rim-1-1-pod



If you have any questions or want to share any similar experiences, message me on instagram.com/missfernandez__ or instagram.com/market_and_manifest.