
“If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.”

– Greg McKeown, Essentialism


Why is it so hard to simplify your life?


Why do you hate the feeling of overwhelm…yet keep saying yes to more responsibility?

Why does it take so much discipline to do less?


The big cosmic joke is that most of society has bought into a belief that “doing more” will:


Lead to fulfillment Quiet your inner critic Give you a sense of purpose


The irony is, the more you encumber yourself with “doing more” responsibilities and obligations, the further you get from all of these things.


It was when I committed to the disciplined pursuit of doing less (a term coined by Greg McKeown in his book Essentialism) that I found myself on the fast track to fulfillment, purpose and a kinder inner critic.


In today’s episode, I break down some of the key distinctions of a “nonessentialist” vs “essentialist” as described in Greg McKeown’s book.


For example:






“It’s all important”

“Only a few things really matter.”


Says “yes” without really thinking

Says “no” to everything except the essential


Feels overwhelmed & exhausted

Experiences joy in the journey


If you want to simplify your life, this is your episode.




My new book is officially available for pre-order: On Purpose Leadership


Essentialism by Greg McKeown