#146: Here are a few signs you’re too masculine:

You accomplish very much and feel joy very little You give a lot but have trouble receiving You deify logic and vilify emotion You worship data and scoff at intuition You have plenty of sex but very little intimacy You live from the head while disconnected from your heart

It’s actually confronting to realize how easily those examples flowed from me, because all of them are realities of my not too distant past.

I know what it’s like to goal set, goal crush and paradoxically feel a chronic state of discontent, fatigue and absence of aliveness in my life.

It was only when I started to delve into the spiritual understandings of the masculine and feminine energies did my world start to become more enjoyable, colorful and vibrant.

Masculine and feminine energies exist on a spectrum, and no matter how you identify, we all have the ability to access and experience the range of these energies…

…if we allow them.

If you desire to experience more joy, intimacy, passion, creativity and love in your life, it’s important to understand how to cultivate more feminine energy in your life.

If you desire to be a better leader in the workplace, at home and in the bedroom…believe me, it will behoove you to master your understanding of the masculine and feminine energies.

So today we are having a beginner’s guide discussion to understanding the masculine and feminine energies with our special guest, Keisha Delva.

Who is Keisha Delva

Keisha is a Licensed Mental Health therapist and the founder of Keisha Delva Creative She runs a business helping women entrepreneurs – specifically creatives and healers (coaches, therapists) – build a profitable business that they love Many of the women who come to her are stuck in one of two extremes Women who are in the extreme masculine: overworked, overcommitted, overwhelmed and burnt out Keisha once burned her own self out as a therapist and realized she needed to get her masculine and feminine energies into balance if she was ever going to live a happy healthy and thriving life The extreme unconscious feminine, characterized by indecisiveness, difficulty following through, paralyzed or sabotaged by emotions Keisha helps her clients cultivate strength and choice in leveraging the masculine and feminine energies to build and operate successful businesses

In this Episode

An introduction to what the masculine and feminine energies are Keisha walks us through a set of key characteristics of masculine energy as well as those of feminine energy Practical applications on how to leverage these energies to show up as a more trustworthy leader in your workplace, and romantic relationships Reasons why your feminine partner will resist your leadership (and how you can help guide her from resistance to enthusiastic consent) The #1 source of most (if not all) feminine complaints



Connect with Keisha

Keisha’s Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/keishadelvacreative
Keisha Delva’s Website: https://keishadelvacreative.com