
“Intimacy requires closeness.
Desire requires distance.”

Esther Perel calls this the central paradox of love.

How can you be both close (requisite of intimacy) and distant (requisite of desire) at the same time…

…especially over the course of a long-term relationship?

The good news is, you don’t have to choose just intimacy or just desire, you can have both.

But that won’t happen by accident, you have to work at it.

Today, our guest Scott Berry teaches how you can cultivate a loving and passionate relationship for the long haul.

Who is Scott Berry

Scott is a life coach and relationship counselor, primarily focusing on heterosexual couples He teaches how to create freedom inside of relationships and using an understanding of the masculine feminine energies to create polarity and magnetism in your relationship dynamic He’s the creator of the Self Actualized Marriage, which is a 3 day relationship retreat He runs the Mastery and Fulfillment Podcast
And he’s also a connoisseur of fine exotic teas

In this Episode

How you can have both intimacy and desire in your long term relationships What “polarity” means and why it’s essential to keep the desire burning Why “my partner is my best friend” is often the silent assassin in the bedroom The #1 – by far – complaint that Scott’s female clients have about their men Why men lead in work, but abdicate leadership in their relationships How your woman can be the breadwinner and you can still lead the relationship How male-dominated businesses push women into masculine roles…that can often carry into the bedroom (unwittingly) One actionable step and book recommendation


Scott’s Website: alchemicempowerment.com
Scott’s Couples Program: The Self Actualized Marriage
Scott’s Podcast: Mastery and Fulfillment Podcast

John Wineland Podcast Interview: The Art of Masculine Leadership

Scott’s Book Recommendations

Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel
The All or Nothing Marriage by Eli Finkel