
The Article: 10 Questions Every Man Must Ask About His Life

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There comes a time in a man’s life – usually at 1:30am on a Sunday night when you’re trying to sleep – when you start to ask yourself the deeper questions about life, such as:

“Who am I?”

“What the hell am I doing with my life?”

“How many more streaming services before I feel complete?”

These are big questions, well, the first two were at least, and they can be nearly impossible to navigate on your own.

You see, the quality of your life often depends on the quality of questions you ask.

That’s particularly true of the quality of questions you ask as you inspect your own life.

As we’re already in the final 90 days of 2021, you may find yourself asking deeper questions about how you showed up this year, how you want to finish this year, and how you want to kickstart 2022.

So to help you do that, the final 13 episodes of 2021 are all organized and tightly focused around one central theme:

Stepping Into Your Great Man in 2022.

That means we’ll be honing in on:

How to design the next year of your life How to design the optimal day How to execute on the complex and meaningful changes in your life The books you need to read in 2022 How to build a life that feels adventurous, meaningful and full of forward momentum These are just a few of the topics you can expect over the final 90 days of this year.

This episode kickstarts our 90 day march towards the finish line of 2021: 5 Questions Every Man Must Ask About His Life.

By the way, these questions have been sourced by the men in The Great Man Within community…there’s 10 of them actually.

And the big dawg Bryan Stacy and I are going to get you started with the first 5 questions.

The other 5 are linked in the show notes with the article titled: 10 Questions Every Man Must Ask About His Life.

This article is a great piece for you to share with the men in your life who are starting to ask different questions about their life…but are hesitant or unsure about taking action yet.

It’s written in plain English so the mainstream man can digest it. And again, that’s linked in the shownotes.