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There’s a time in every man’s life where he gets hit by the metaphorical Mack truck:

A global pandemic wipes out your business/savings You unexpectedly lose the job that your identity is wrapped up in An infidelity in your relationship is exposed Your child has a mental health crisis You did something “unforgivable” while you were in a rage or had too much to drink You have a terrifying medical health diagnosis You mistakenly send an email to 300 of your corporate clients about a podcast on pornography…like I did.

These Mack Truck moments can either flatten you, or they can be opportunities to discover a new level of strength and unshakeable confidence within you.

In this Episode:

The elements of cultivating Warrior Level Resiliency Why these Mack Truck Moments are often a compass to your best self in disguise Why finding meaning in your suffering is essential to resiliency