
Register for Design the Next Year of Your Life Masterclass:

I’m fired up to invite you to a 90-minute virtual Masterclass on How to Design the Next Year of Your Life, 2022.


It’s taking place Wednesday, November 17th, 7:00-8:30pm ET on Zoom.

In this 90-minute masterclass, you’ll learn:

Why resolutions fail (and what you need instead) A 15-minute exercise to capture your standout moments from 2021 How to identify ONE “Next Level” area that you’ll be stepping into in 2022 Build a plan to bring your ONE “Next Level” vision into reality Accountability strategies to make sure that plan gets executed

All Registrants Will Receive:

Recording of the Masterclass Guided Meditation to Envision the Next Year of Your Life Worksheet: Design the Next Year of Your Life PDF

To register, click here: Design the Next Year of Your Life, 2022


Join the Facebook Group for Men: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheGreatManWithin


Gentlemen. Welcome back to our special Building Your Best Self Series, a 13-episode mini adventure to help you envision the Great Man you intend to become in 2022, to commit to becoming that man, and how to develop a plan of action to bring your best self into being.

Last week we kicked off the first of 13 episodes, tackling 5 questions every man needs to ask about his life. Highly encourage you to go back and listen to that if you haven’t already.

Today is episode #2 of 13, and we’re going to be exploring one of the most crucial concepts around how to find Purpose in your life: doing what gives you your Greatest Energy.

Your Greatest Energy comes from doing the things where you feel a full sense of engagement – fully absorbed in what you’re doing, often losing track of time in the process, and feeling that intrinsic sense of fulfillment when you’re done.

In other words, its not about the outcome, but the inner reward of how you felt during that entire time you spent in your Greatest Energy.

If you spent 8 hours in your Greatest Energy, sure might find yourself physically tired, but emotionally, mentally, spiritually, your tank is full.

You might be thinking “I have no idea what gives me that feeling,” in which case, you’re not alone, and you’re not in the minority. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a roadmap for how to discover and spend more time doing the things that give you your Greatest Energy.

In This Episode:

5 questions to help you identify your Greatest Energy Why curiosity is your compass for finding your Greatest Energy Why finding your Greatest Energy often has nothing to do with your work How you can integrate your Greatest Energy into your work How following your Greatest Energy inevitably leads you to living your Purpose