This week we are talking about whether or not you’re meant for more and if you should step out and build your own brand or own business. Girlfriend, you ARE in fact meant for more! I believe you are supposed to take the next step and I’m here to cheer you on, all the way!

In this episode, we talk about:

Sometimes it takes someone from the outside to guide you through the process to walk you through it, and lady… that someone is me! Maybe ‘the more’ you are looking for is stepping into leadership, maybe ‘the more’ is starting something of your own. Let’s figure out what it is together if you’re not sure. Follow the nudge and lean into that! When we don’t lean into those nudges, we miss out. I encourage you to move into the space of the unknown, it’s soo worth it! Nobody wants to get uncomfortable, you’ve kept the scratchy old blanket on too long but there is a PLUSH Costco blanket waiting for you. There is a better way and you are meant for it! What it took for me to step into an online business was someone who believed in me. I want to be that person to encourage you that you CAN do it and I believe in you! My friend Kristen Vanhorn realized she could make a bigger impact by starting something outside of her network marketing business and that was her ‘more’. Network marketing is a springboard to your more, to that next thing. It’s an incredible place to start out. That is how I started but then it was time for me to move on.  Sometimes your passion is gone or you just get tired of the hamster-wheel feeling that sometimes happens within your network marketing business, and that is OK. I am here to tell you there is more, and you are meant for it!  If you are feeling defeated, there is more out there for you! If you need help believing in yourself, I BELIEVE IN YOU, and I know there is more for you and I am here cheering you on and want to help you every step of the way!


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