Is starting an online business right for you? I shared a reel a few weeks ago and it has really rocked the boat. I want to be clear with you friends, I am not anti-MLM. I am pro living the life you were made for. If that includes MLM and/or owning your own business, I’m here for you for whatever journey you choose.

In this episode, we talk about:

So many people don’t believe or even know what possibilities are even out there for them.  Network marketing is such a springboard and I want to talk through all the possibilities with you!  I created this reel that really disrupted things… which was uncomfortable for me. My passion is to teach you to have a back up plan and continue to do what you love! My caption was all about how it might be time to start thinking about building a brand/business outside of your network marketing business. I hit a chord, but I’m not going to stop.  When I started my direct sales business, people would tell me “I retire my husband, and it is awesome.”  Some people at the tippy top get there, but most people don’t and there is nothing wrong with that or you. This is the nature of the business. Starting an online business is not all roses, but it is exciting and there is so much potential. I would not be where I am today without doing my own direct sales business.  I want you to know I see you, and I feel you, and let’s get you in a more secure position where you feel less defeated!


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