Have you ever felt lost and confused or unmotivated in your business or personal life? That’s exactly where I’ve been these last few weeks and I wanted to share with you what caused this lack of direction and clarity, and how I got it back!

In this episode we talk about:

How I had this ah-ha moment about my confusion on where I am and where I want to be in life and in business.  When we add things to our plate, something has to come off it. Think of your plate as being full now (because let’s be real ALL our plates are full).  We need to deal with what’s on our plate 1st. If we try to pile more stuff on it, things are falling off.  So how did I deal with my full plate? I stopped and made a space to get quiet and reflect. I journaled and I took time to think about what I actually wanted. I wrote down what I actually wanted to do in my life and business. Then I thought about what I am actually doing now. And I changed my “I want” statements to “I am”.  When I took the time to reflect on what I wanted to do with my life, I realized I AM doing what I want to be doing and what God wants me to be doing. I just had confused myself and lost track.  You may feel unmotivated because you don’t have the bandwidth to give more or do more. It's hard to get motivated when you are getting pulled in every direction. Sometimes it's getting stuck on where to even start. When your plate is so full, something is going to be ignored. What is on your plate, and what is the priority, what do you really want? To help you really get laser-focused on what you really want, you need to dive into your VALUES.  Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They're your principles. I did this exercise to help me get clarity on what my values are and what really needs to be on my plate in this season to get me where I want to be and bring me JOY.  Try this value exercise here! This is how it works: First, go through it and highlight what stands out to you, then narrow it down to your top 20, then top 10, then top 5, and top 3. Identify what your values are and work these into your life. This will help you with motivation and gaining clarity!

Exercise: What are your values? 

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