Today we are going to talk about what’s holding you back in your business. These 3 fears are what every single person faces when they are beginning something new and we’re going to dive into what they are, and how to get over them so you can be successful!

In this episode we talk about:

The 3 fears that get in the way of your business

Fear of judgment Fear of rejection Fear of not being ________ enough (you fill in the blank)

We tend to fall back into old ways and have these fears creep in. These fears need to be squashed and we won’t move forward if these fears get in our way.

Fear of judgment. The fear of judgment is being afraid of what people think of you. We have all been judgmental. But when people are judgemental, it is their own stuff. These fears show up in different ways. It might look like we’re not showing up 100% or censoring ourselves. We don’t live life to the fullest because we are afraid.

Fear of rejection. The word “no” doesn’t mean you suck, and it doesn’t mean you shouldn't be doing this. It only means “no”. This fear shows up in your business when you are afraid to share the offering, when you don’t go live, when you don’t host parties, when you don’t even create the offer. If you are afraid of someone saying ‘no’, you are creating so much meaning around that word and you shouldn’t. 

Fear that you’re not _____ enough (good, smart, charismatic, etc). This always starts when we start comparing ourselves with others. If you fall into this comparison trap, you’re not going to try new things, you feel defeated all the time, you are bringing negative energy into your business, and then you tend to look to other people to fill us up, and it always leads us into a crazy cycle. 

How do you stop the fears from getting in the way?

Give yourselves a bucket full of grace and love. Remind yourselves of your worth. You are worthy regardless of how successful your business is. Then try to get to the root of the fear. Start tackling these fears and understand when and why they are happening. 

Also, there is only 1 spot left for the 6 Figures in 6 Hours VIP Strategy Day. Sign up by emailing me at [email protected]

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