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How can I use my voice to feel successful and achieve success?

“Nice girls can’t be loud.” “Women must be professional in the workplace.” “People won’t like you if you speak up.” Sound familiar?

For some time, I didn’t realize the true power a voice could have. Your voice is a precious thing, it’s almost a form of identity; it can captivate an audience, or impact whether you get a job. It can even determine whether others want to listen to what you have to say. There are a variety of factors that affect our voice over time. But sometimes, we get stuck. We’re no longer getting what we want or have the confidence in ourselves to start living how we want, on our terms, not someone else’s. So, when we truly learn how to step into our voice, our world transforms from the inside out. 

My guest in this episode, Tracy Goodwin, is a voice coach. She’s an expert with over 30 years of experience in teaching others how to use their voice to “show up” and transform their lives. She’s taught hundreds of people to step into their voice power, make them sound more confident, heal their voice story, and make an impact with their voice message. 

Tracy shares with us her research and her process for digging deep into the depths of the voice and the fears we hold onto, and how we can learn how to show up with our voice. She will also be sharing some awesome action items that you can implement right away for having more confidence and shatter the assumptions you might make when “showing up.”

It’s time to show up with your voice!


[16:14] Judgment is just a perception. You can’t step into your voice until you embody that. 

[17:55] Silence is golden. When you feel like you have to “break the silence,” what is the meaning you’re giving that silence - that you failed? Reframe that silence and get okay with it. “Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.”

[18:21] Reframe the meaning you are giving things. Nervousness exists in the past and the future. Get back to being in the now.

[20:00] Give yourself permission to stand in that power of silence. 

[21:07] Train yourself to assume that everything is fine. Assume there is no threat; that you’re not going to mess up. Stand in your confidence and enjoy the moment. 

[21:47] Your voice only has power in the “now.” It does not exist in the past or future. You cannot control the future but you can control the conversation. Act as if the outcome is already yours. 

[28:38] 5 Pillars of Vocal Variety


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Dr. Christine Li [host] -




Tracy Goodwin [guest] -




Podcast: Captivate the Room