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Is it possible to have kids AND have a successful and fulfilling life and career? The short answer is, OF COURSE IT IS!

It’s common for women to feel a sense of unease when it comes to choosing between a career and having kids. Women may even wait a long time to even think about having kids because they want to have kids after they’ve established their career. Whatever your views are, they are all valid, but I would like to tell you it’s absolutely possible to have both and be successful. 

In this week’s episode, I’m joined by Lisa Canning, a coach, entrepreneur, and mother of eight children! She is known for her involvement at HGTV but now she is also known as the Possibility Mom. Before Lisa became the Possibility Mom, she had a career in broadcast television. She managed to work season after season in the TV industry, all while growing and raising her family. However, the decisions she was making all began to wear on her mind, body, and spirit. One day she found herself in her minivan thinking how tired, exhausted, guilty and in pain she felt. After having ongoing conversations with her husband, she realized she couldn’t keep doing what she was doing. 

Lisa shares her colorful journey and how she managed to create the work and home life she wanted, all while having kids and redefining what success looked like for her. In this episode, you’ll learn how to adjust and open your mind up to possibility, finding balance, and cultivating your own version of success. 


[18:15] Looking at your life using a bird’s eye view.  

[23:19] Getting comfortable with failure. 

[25:18] Becoming intentional with who you really are makes you feel more aligned and happy. It is important to understand the difference between dealing with something about your identity that you find “embarrassing” versus embracing who you really are.

[33:49] Overwhelm is often a lack of skill. 


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Dr. Christine Li [host] -




Lisa Canning [guest] -




