In this episode, Cheryl and Kelly discuss:

Dispelling life’s darkness with humor  Hunting positive things  Remembering relationships  Networking is about connecting with people  Taking care of yourself 

Key Takeaways:

Find humor in life and be light-hearted. Have fun and seek levity even in tough situations. Sometimes, humor is the only thing that could keep you sane in especially tough circumstances.  Being optimistic is not about faking happiness, but making an intentional decision to bring your attention to the positive things in your life.  Don’t forget about relationships, remember your friends and family. Send them a quick text and ask how they’re doing.  There’s a group for everything. Be connected to people that are going through a similar journey to you.  Do some things for yourself so that you don’t get lost in taking care of others. It’s not about big breaks, it’s about doing small things every day that release the inner pressure. 


“As I came to go through all of the motions, I realized that those HORNS are actually an acronym for what kept that Halo up. H is for Humor. O is Optimism. R is for Relationships. N is for Networking. S is for Self-care.”  —  Kelly Olsen


“Tomorrow is not promised and so taking the time to invest in those relationships today will guarantee that tomorrow is joyous and wonderful.”  —  Cheryl Knowlton


Get in Touch with Kelly Olsen: 

Email: [email protected] 


Get in Touch with Cheryl:






Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla


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