In this episode, Cheryl and Jessie Van Wagoner discuss:

Inflation, interest rates, and lag indicators  Controlling what’s in front of you  Practicing self-love, planning, and reaching out to people  Your two most important assets 

Key Takeaways:

When we should be at a 2% inflation rate, we’re at 8%. Interest rates have gone up and it’s slowing down the seller’s market. However, the economy will flatten itself out eventually, the market will continue to move forward.  You don’t have control, all you can control is what’s exactly in front of you. The hours in your day that you choose to spend prospecting and educating yourself and others, it will be worth it. Things are going to turn around for you.  Plan for your day, make sure to follow up on your plans so that you can end the day feeling satisfied. Don’t neglect yourself, focus on self-love so that you can serve people better. Make people feel valued.  Your second most valuable asset is your money and your first most valuable asset is your time. Be intentional in spending these two resources wisely. 


“Homes are still being sold, homes are still being purchased. Our market’s gonna continue moving forward, it’s just our decision to digest it and confidently go in with enough knowledge to encourage our buyers and our borrowers to look at all the options.”  — Jessie Van Wagoner


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Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla


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