In this episode, Cheryl and Dan Taylor discuss:

Where did the Pareto Principle start? 

Is it possible for the 80% to get to the top 20%? 

Mindsets and practices that will get you to the top 20%

How to continue to be inspired 

Key Takeaways:

Vilfredo Pareto was an economist who noticed in industries that a great deal of the work was done only by a small portion of the workers and that’s where the Pareto principle or the 80/20 principle comes from. 

As far as we know, it isn’t possible to have 100% of the people produce like the top 20%. However, the 80% have a choice whether they want to stay where they are demographically speaking or if they want to be in the top 20%. Making that choice and committing to it will get one to greater heights in their career. 

Work hard and work smart, open your eyes to opportunities. Always seek to learn, grow, and improve by reading books and learning from others. Practice giving yourself affirmation. Last but not least, believe in yourself. 

Inspiration is the breath of life. Choose to surround yourself with people, with books, with shows, and with podcasts that breathe life into you. When you isolate yourself from these things, you’ll stop taking inspired action and will end up stagnant or in a downward spiral. 


“If 80% of the people do 20% of the work, you can't have 100% of the people be in the top 20%. But on a one-on-one basis, there are ways that people who are in the 80% can make individual decisions that move them into the 20%.”  —  Dan Taylor


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Email: [email protected]


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Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla


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