In this episode, Cheryl and Ashlee Stratton discuss:

Pursuing dreams without waiting for your kids to grow up

Overcoming health challenges and finding healing through mental resilience and support

Finding a fun outlet unattached to goals and outcomes

The power of habit stacking and celebrating progress in pursuing goals and hobbies 

Key Takeaways:

Don't wait for the perfect time to pursue your goals and dreams as a mom; start with small steps now, even in the midst of motherhood, and enlist the support of your spouse to make it happen.

To achieve your dreams, prioritize what matters to you and seek assistance when needed. Even without a supportive spouse, scheduling and asking for help are vital. When setbacks arise, focus on your desired emotions and surround yourself with supportive individuals for healing and growth.

Ashlee loves pickleball because it's a great way to take a break from goal-oriented activities and enjoy a fulfilling, fun, and physically beneficial experience filled with laughter.

Habit stacking is a powerful technique for implementing new habits with minimal effort. By attaching a new habit to an existing one, you can achieve success even with limited time. In addition, celebrating progress, no matter how small, is essential to staying motivated and recognizing how far you've come.


“Start taking action and then when the hard times come, just be gentle with yourself, work through them, and then get right back to it. Just remember to keep putting one foot in front of the other even through the hard times. Those baby steps count.”  —  Ashlee Stratton


Resources Mentioned:

Rock Steady: Healing Vertigo or Tinnitus with Neuroplasticity by Joey Remenyi:

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey:

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown:

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie:

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear:

Connect with Ashlee Stratton:

Email: [email protected]





Get in Touch with Cheryl:







Show notes by Podcastologist: Andy Santiago

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.