In this episode, Cheryl discussed:

Focusing on your own race 

Pacing yourself and taking one step at a time

Move forward and do your best 

Enjoying the journey


Key Takeaways:

Comparison is truly the thief of joy. Focus on your race, your life. Don’t be conscious about how much faster others are going. Strive to grow and lean on your own unique strengths. 

Pacing yourself is an important part of life. It’s better to take one small step in the right direction than to bombard yourself with a thousand new ideas or new goals that will paralyze you with indecision. 

There is only one you and all you can do is do your best. You can’t change the past, you can only let it go. Keep moving forward and do your best. 

Practice healthy self-talk and visualization, reward yourself for achieving your goals, and most of all, enjoy the journey. 


“One small sweet step builds momentum, and 1000 small goals and 1000 big goals is not going to move you off the couch.”  —  Cheryl Knowlton



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Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla


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