Bhavani Esapathi the genius behind Chronically Driven, winner of the Wired Creative Hack Awards 2015, for creative solutions in social health talks about rising above limitations with chronic disorders, Crohn's for her, to live life the way it should be live with Aaron and Sarah in LymeVoice  024th episode. She is a Fellow of The Royal Society for the Arts and a TedX Speaker, an accomplished writer and an active participant with innovations on everything digital while doing some work on cultural management & communications for the past 5 years. Crohn's is an incurable chronic autoimmune disorder with hard hard-hitting symptoms that patients have to put up with, just as Bhavani had for as long as she can remember. Adding to the confusions caused by debilitating chronic issues since childhood she was being repeatedly told she’s not supposed to have Crohns because she is Asian, when she finally decided to find her correct diagnosis using every resource available to her. The adversities she had faced in her quest for her diagnosis and treatment, she knows were not hers alone and she is aware that these adversities have solutions. Finding these solutions and providing easy access to them to people with invisible chronic conditions became her advocacy, she had rallied the limitations Crohn's has delivered to her and had risen above them to become an accomplished writer, motivational speaker and chronic disabilities resource person for those who want success despite debilitating chronic issues.


What’s In This Episode


Fight Her Health Issues Continuously

Bhavani had a lively and colorful childhood with her loving family, despite being protected too much and slowed down by illness. Her past chronic experiences with her unnamed illness fortified rather than take away from her feistiness. She was always a dreamer, and she envisions a world where people don’t have to suffer unnecessarily under nameless ills because Doctors and other health professionals don’t or won’t take their symptoms at face value. She has to fight for her health and she also has to fight for acceptance of her sickness by other people which should not be the case. Her parents always believe in her and their positive upbringing had propelled her to accomplish her success milestones and brought her to where she is now, still with her health issues and more.


Heal - Finding A Point


Being given enough space and not interfering with what she wants to do had made her evolved into herself gradually and in her own pace, and it let her found her footing. She believed what her parents had told her that she is special and she’s going to become great and that made finding healing easy for her. People believing she can rise above her limitations and not justify every task or move she does are inspiring her to go on and find a better self.


Live Proactively While Learning To Hustle Within A New Normal


Chronically Driven her website was conceptualized as a form of catharsis not only for her but also for a lot of other people. It is designed as a unique platform where people who are willing to share their stories can come and tell narratives of their plight with different invisible chronic conditions to inform people or to provide support to those who are also suffering. It’s been a year since her website was up and she can actually see her objectives being realized because different people respond to her positively when they found her website. She knows she can empower herself and others too in finding healing by restructuring their life around their limitations which she has done and continue to do while dealing with different issues as they come up. Sometimes her issues work in her favor, giving her additional advantage and inspire her (in her words) to hustle and that’s what she’s working so hard to impart. She invites everybody to tell their stories with one of her favorite life’s quote “Those who tell stories, rule the society” – Plato.


Don't Forget to Vote for Bhavani!

Voting ends Jan 25!


Check out her new Sight!


Congratulations To Bhavani Esapathi, 2015 Creative Hack Winner!!


Creative Hack Award




“If you want to be then do.”

Jim Ron


Contact Info:

Bhavani’s Website: Chronically Driven

Bhavani’s Twitter: @bhaesa

Chronically Driven Facebook Page: Chronically Driven @Facebook

Sarah Schlichte Sanchez(Facebook)

Aaron Sanchez

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