Money Matters Episode # 025 


One of the most devastating aspects of this illness is the financial upheaval or chaos that often happens. Aaron and Sarah Sanchez speak with Don Schlichte, Founder of G5T.Money and explorenew ways to generate income when you are not able to work a “traditional” job. Being sick is expensive and you have to start thinking outside the box. Our economy has changed as we left behind the industrial age and are now in the information age, don’t get left behind!G5T’s online course can help individuals make and multiply money by building an internal platform of financial freedom. By increasing your financial awareness and intelligence, we are confident you will be able to Create a Personal Pathway that works for you.

What’s in this episode:


Reawaken Financial Hope­ Awareness, Choice, Options and Opportunities"


Finding flexible work Learning to function within a new economy Create a personal pathway to your financial freedom! Let go of your negative

relationship with money and begin to build a prosperous future where money no longer controls you.


Resources Mentioned:


Financial Freedom Inside Out 1.0​– Utilizing the resources of two of the top money minds in America, FFIO 1.0 will disrupt unhealthy money mindsets and replace them with financial and emotional intelligences that will make a radical difference in you and help you create a personal pathway to financial freedom. Most people need to make more money​, and most of our jobs don’t pay enough. Some of us want to escape mediocrity and maximize our talents and earning potential.


Welcome to G5t. G5t is an online personal development company. We help you create

a Personal Pathway to Financial Freedom. We revive financial hope and inspire life changes.


Secrets of the Millionaire Mind​reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it! Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or their choice of jobs, businesses, or investments? The shocking answer is: None of the above! The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:​Powerful Lessons in Personal Change




"People who haven’t gone through your pain, won’t understand your goals."­Murdock Most of my clients experience significant "ah ha" moments as they go through 

the G5t material, which then increases their financial hope and inspires life changes for them. ­Don Schlichte

“True limitation isn’t a lack of money or having small ambitions; true limitation is the illusion that we lack options, that we lack choice.”­The Magician’s Way by William Whitecloud.


Contact Info:


Don Schlichte:​Investor/Entrepreneur/Facilitator  


Email: ​[email protected]​1­505­681­1371

Course Info:

Course Info:

            Book: Pessimistic Christian


Sarah Schlichte Sanchez(Facebook)


Aaron Sanchez

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