Next Episode: ATHA: PRESENCE

This Podcast Covers:

    Sutra 1.2: Yoga Citta Vrtti Nirodah The meaning of each individual sanskrit word in Sutra 1.2 The meaning of them all together The definition of Yoga The difference between Purusa and Prakriti What the Citta is What is Suffering What is Acceptance
  • Reading from Nisargadatta on Pain
  • Reading from Adyashanti on Depth
  • Learning to work with pain instead of running from it
  • Learning to identify with freedom instead of the story of our pain
  • Equanimity: staying present with changes
  • Will, Willpower & Willingness
  • What it means to apply this to our lives
  • Quotes from Nelson Mandela, Freiderich Neitzche, Martha Graham, Nini Melvin, and poetry from Antonio Machado.