Arguments and disagreements can make life miserable especially when they are between you and your partner.

Wendy Capewell reads an excerpt about conflict -  from her book 'From Surviving to Thriving in a Romantic Relationship'

Life events can often trigger them 

Getting married A new baby Moving in together A change in work situations Redundancy Empty nest syndrome Moving house Serious illness Death in the family

The effect of these events can cause conflict and we may wonder if we are in the right relationship, or what we have done wrong.

Wendy Capewell

Wendy is an experienced Relationship Expert, who helps and supports couples who love each other and are committed to making their relationship work even when the going gets tough, determined to resolve the issues that are hampering them from having a harmonious life together. By working together the couple are able to find the cause of the problem, learn to communicate their fears and concerns more effectively, and develop a more intimate and deep connection. Resulting in a better understanding and closer, happy partnership. 

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