How familiar are you with the unique challenges of women in leadership? From childcare concerns, to re-entering the workforce after years devoted to parenting, to the lack of resources and training available for women leadership. This conversation is one we have in our coaching practices with female leaders over and over again. Today, we decided to bring one of our very own Living Wholehearted Executive Coaches on the podcast to talk more about this.


Connie Armerding is an Executive Coach & Leadership Consultant, Writer, Speaker, and Teacher. She is passionate about equipping ministry and marketplace leaders by creating spiritually and emotionally healthy cultures among leaders and their communities. Connie holds degrees from Wheaton College in Interpersonal Communication and a MA in Leadership. She’s been published with Propel Women, Patheos, and the Redbud Post. She is a contributing writer of Friendzy and is currently working on a project with Nav Press as a contributor to Reflecting God's Nature, the Women's Devotional Bible based on The Message. Connie also leads conflict resolution training for organizational teams and teaches and preaches at churches and conferences across the Pacific Northwest. She has been married to her husband, Taylor, for twenty years, and they are raising four children here in Oregon.

To connect with Connie, visit:



Facebook - @connie.armerding

Twitter - @ConnieArmerding

Instagram - @carmerding

Register for once a month virtual group coaching with other female leaders. This 6 month group coaching starts February 14 with Connie Armerding, Rhonda Bega, and Terra Mattson is only $45 a month. Register today.  If you want to know more about Living Wholehearted and the resources we offer, from our books and e-Courses, to our professional counseling and leadership development services, go to and sign up for our monthly newsletters. Each month you will be connected with resources and on-going support for your journey toward living more wholehearted. The application process for our next wholehearted leadership cohort will begin this summer. If you get our newsletter, you will be the first to know! That’s or follow us on instagram @living_wholehearted.


To connect with Jeff and Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:












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