Rest is a discipline. Sometimes we are so responsible, our leadership feels so important, that we forget that even God, Himself, rested. Really, who doesn’t need rest? And let’s be honest, we are not God. Rest is meant to be a gift to us. So why do we fight it so much? Today we are going to talk about Sabbath and taking Sabbaticals and how to do that well. We’ll discuss why organizations, especially those who profess to follow Jesus, should consider Sabbaticals as practice and how Sabbatical coaching can help us learn to rest well - all so that we can return to our work and call with a renewed passion. 


We all need people in our lives who not only cheer us on but help us see where we can grow and develop to be our best selves. Rhonda Began has a passion for walking alongside others; empowering them to be the best leaders they can be. She has over 30 years of experience in church ministry settings developing staff and volunteers to create and maintain strong organizational structures while caring for the whole person. 


Her desire to see people find a pace of life and work that brings them peace, and allows them time for what’s most important, is at the heart of her coaching and consulting. A self proclaimed “energizer bunny”, Rhonda uses her own experience, learning to slow down and find healthy rhythms to overcome burnout and fatigue, to help others find a pace of life and work that brings them peace and allows them time for what’s more important.


To connect with Rhonda, visit:


Social Media

Facebook - @Rhonda Dyrkach Began

Instagram - @BeganRhonda


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To connect with Jeff and Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:














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