When someone asks you for help, what do you say? For many, the answer is typically “yes” - especially for women! And many of us have an “if not me, then who?” mindset - especially high-capacity leader types. Reality is that when we consistently say yes and prioritize the needs of others, we often find ourselves exhausted, overcommitted, and empty. Anyone? Today, we are talking about much-needed boundaries. Ironically, it’s a misunderstood concept.


Dr. Sasha Shillcutt is with us today to offer her insight. Dr. Shillcutt is a renowned cardiac anesthesiologist, professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, bestselling author, and CEO/Founder of Brave Enough. Sasha’s TEDx talk titled Resilience: The Art of Failing Forward has been viewed by more than 50K. Her writing has been published in both the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA. She’s the author of the new book, Brave Boundaries: Strategies to Say No, Stand Strong and Take Control of Your Time (HCI Books, September 6) and host of The Brave Enough Show podcast. 


Sasha is also a Christian, wife, and mother, who has walked through seasons of loneliness, anxiety, and complete burnout. She has written this book, Brave Boundaries, out of a tender place in her heart for the woman who has found herself in a similar place. 


To connect with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt, visit:




Social Media 

Facebook - @sasha.shillcutt

Twitter - @SashaShillcutt

Instagram - @becomebraveenough



Book - Brave Boundaries: Strategies to Say No, Stand Strong, and Take Control of Your Time: The Key to Living Empowered

Podcast - The Brave Enough Show

TEDx - Resilience:The Art of Failing Forward



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To connect with Jeff and Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:



















Shrinking the Integrity Gap 


Shrinking the Integrity Gap e-Course 


Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace


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Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters 
