Thanks for being a part of our Living Wholehearted community, shrinking the gap between what we preach and how we live. This week, we are talking about video games! Are you a parent who is confused by all the controversial opinions about video games? Are they okay for our kids? When do they become a problem? Which games should our kids play? We have friends and clients who confront these questions daily. To shed some light and offer some wisdom on this topic, Drew Dixon is our guest for this episode.


Drew is an Executive Editor at Penguin Random House. He is an accomplished freelance writer and editor, with articles published in Relevant, Christ and Pop Culture, World Magazine, Christianity Today, and Paste Magazine. He is a public speaker, co-host of Humans of Gaming, co-founder of Love Thy Nerd, and he has traveled all over the world to spread the Gospel at nerd conventions. Drew also is the author of the recently released book Know Thy Gamer: A Parent's Guide to Video Games.


To connect with Drew Dixon, visit:





Twitter: @_DrewDixon, @LoveThyNerd

Instagram: @LoveThyNerd

Facebook: @lovethynerd



Know Thy Gamer: A Parent's Guide to Video Games by Drew Dixon (B&H Books, September 6, 2022)


At Living Wholehearted, we believe that as a parent, you are a leader and how you lead matters! If you are needing more resources to grow as a parent, check out all our resources at and sign up for our monthly newsletter. You might love our Dear Mattsons parenting advice videos under the resource tab with answers to real questions from real parents.

The application process for our next Wholehearted Leadership Cohort is open for the month of January. If you get our newsletter, you would already know! That’s or follow us on Instagram @living_wholehearted or @terramattson


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Grateful for you!


Jeff & Terra


To connect with Jeff & Terra Mattson and Living Wholehearted, go to:














Shrinking the Integrity Gap

Shrinking the Integrity Gap e-Course

Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace

Dear Mattsons

Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters