Life is all about choices. The choice to be a follower, to be a leader, to be crabby, to be happy, to be an optimist, to be a pessimist, to be joyful… it’s all a choice. Many people feel that life happens TO them… I believe that life happens FOR us and what happens depends on the choices we make. 

I am not here to tell you what to think, believe, or what to do. I am an encourager and a cheerleader for all Mamas and I'm hoping to inspire you to make a different choice than what I'm seeing all around me.  Sadly, what I see these days is unhappiness, sad faces, anger, and irritation EVERYWHERE. It breaks my heart. I know things are way different than they were prior to March 2020, but why is the go-to being angry instead of happy? Do we want to just get through life or do we want to enjoy it?

I am starting a movement of optimism. A ‘Smiling Through The Chaos’ movement. It is my mission to encourage, inspire, and be a model for all Moms to choose JOY and put a SMILE  on their faces. Even if you don’t feel it, do it anyway, give it a try- no harm no foul if it doesn’t work out, but at least you TRIED!  Doesn't your attitude switch almost instantly when you smile? It’s tough to be angry or to have a bad day when you have a smile on your face. 

I learned a strategy within the last year called BE DO HAVE. BE who you want to be NOW, instead of waiting until you HAVE something in order to BE what or where you want. If you want to be happy- then BE happy! Make the conscious decision that you are HAPPY NOW! NOT when something happens- when the pandemic ends, when I go visit so and so, when I go on vacation. NOW! Nobody controls you except YOU. Most people have it opposite and HAVE DO BE.. When the pandemic ends, I will be happy. When I have a bigger house I will be happy.  When I have a million dollars I will be secure. I can’t BE whatever it is I want until I HAVE something.

If you are waiting until some outside force does something in order for you to be happy,  you will never be happy. Once you have that “thing”, you still likely won’t be satisfied… you will look to the next thing and the next and the next. It’s a never ending cycle of dissatisfaction. This is how most people choose to live, though.

How about we choose different and BE DO HAVE! BE the person you want to be, do the things that will get you there and you will have it. Nobody and nothing is going to save us. Nothing. Only YOU can choose YOU. Choose to BE who you want to be NOW!

If you are waiting to put a smile on your face until everything gets better, that’s a disservice to you and your kids. What makes you think that once you get “there” you will be any different? One of my mentors says “What got you here won’t get you there.” Being the same person, having the same attitude, living the same life won’t get you where you want to go. YOU have to make the choice to BE who you want to be NOW!

I hope this resonates with you and you’ll make the choice to join my Movement (see what I did there- haha). Don’t you think you would feel better ‘Smiling Through The Chaos” instead of being pissy through it all. It’s happening anyway- might as well make the best of it and show our kids that even through adversity you can still smile and enjoy the day!

Looking forward to having you on board with the Movement!! Grab your 'Smiling' gear and your FREE phone wallpaper HERE!

I'd love for you to share your biggest takeaway from today's episode as well! Send me a DM on IG  @livingjoyfulandwell or tag me in your IG Stories. I can't wait to hear!! 

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