Today I'm looking back at a time when things seemed to be pretty "normal" and in the time it took to receive a phone call, the world went wonky! It's been a doozy, hasn't it!? Do you have questions about what's been happening for the past 365+ days? Do some things maybe just feel a little bit off? A year ago, would you have thought we would be where we are today? I sure didn't!

This episode is raw and real and I get a little shouty (along with some giggles) but I share what has been bottled up inside for the past year and my encouragement to you to stand for yourself and your kiddos. Make your own decisions, even when they aren't popular and ask questions. Questions are good! My hope is that it will inspire you to open up and share if you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk to someone about the craziness. This episode may not be for everyone and that's ok! Take it for what it is and move on to the next one. I think it's a good thing to have different opinions, to respect each other for those differences, and to be open to having conversations. Even with our differences we can support and cheer for each other as Moms and as human beings and continue our journey 'Smiling Through The Chaos'!

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