In this episode, we explore the transformative power of shifting our focus from impressing others to blessing them. Learn how this simple mindset change can lead to deeper self-discovery, authentic connections, and a more fulfilling life. We'll discuss practical tips and share inspiring stories to help you embrace the blessing mindset.

Key Points:

Introduction to the Topic:

Definition of "impressing" vs. "blessing." The common societal emphasis on impressing others. The benefits of shifting focus to blessing.

How It Relates to Life Coaching:

Many people feel stuck in their personal growth journey. External validation vs. internal fulfillment. The importance of focusing outward to understand and connect with oneself.

Benefits of Seeking to Bless:

Releases Pressure: Frees mental and emotional space for self-exploration. Authenticity: Encourages genuine interactions and self-discovery. Connection: Fosters deeper, more meaningful relationships. Purpose and Fulfillment: Brings a sense of satisfaction from positively impacting others.

Practical Tips to Start Blessing:

Listen Actively: Truly listen in conversations to understand and support. Acts of Kindness: Small, thoughtful actions can make a big difference. Practice Gratitude: Appreciate and express gratitude for the people in your life. Reflect on Intentions: Consider whether actions are motivated by impressing or blessing. Serve Your Community: Volunteer and get involved in community service.

Inspiring Story:

Susan's transformation from seeking approval to finding fulfillment in helping others. How volunteering at a local shelter helped her reconnect with her true self.


Reflect on personal life and identify areas to shift focus from impressing to blessing. Embrace the journey of self-discovery through genuine connections and acts of kindness.

Call to Action:

Reflect on where you're striving to impress and how you can start blessing instead. Subscribe, share, and leave a review if you enjoyed the episode. Remember, self-discovery is best traveled together – let's keep transforming and blessing each other along the way.

Podcast discussed today: 

All In: Bonnie Cordon- Letting Him Direct Thy Paths

 Show Notes: Here

Connect with Me: Email: [email protected]  Website:  Youtube: @ChantelAllenCoaching Instagram:@chantelallencoaching

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