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Next on the podcast series “What did humans evolve to eat?” I had Dr. Laura Weyrich, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Penn State University. She received her bachelor’s of science from South Dakota State University in Applied and Industrial Microbiology and received her PhD in biochemistry, microbiology, bioethics, and molecular biology from Penn State.

In this episode we discuss

Why is the ancestral health community obsessed with the paleo diet?Dr. Weyrich’s research on bacteria found in teeth of fossil remains and what that tells us about our dietary pastIs it possible to know the proportions of animal to plant foods our ancestors ate by studying bacteria?How a bacteria shared by termites and Australian Aborigines may have given them a survival advantage!


Check out my book “Return to Human”!


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Find Dr. Weyrich

@lsweyrich on twitterPenn State University: https://anth.la.psu.edu/people/lsw132


NOT medical advice; not intended to treat, cure or diagnose; this video is merely for educational purposes. YOU are responsible for YOU.