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Next on the podcast series “What did humans evolve to eat?” I had Dr. Peter Ungar, Distinguished Professor and Director of Environmental Dynamics at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Ungar has written or coauthored more than 200 scientific works on ecology and evolution for books and journals

In this episode we discuss

- How teeth can tell us what foods our early ancestors evolved to eat

- What teeth can’t tell us about our dietary history

- Why Dr. Ungar thinks that the archaeological record OVERestimates meat consumption

- Dr. Ungar’s thoughts on genetic testing and our immediate ancestor’s diets


Check out my book “Return to Human”!

- https://amzn.to/3I0nZcg

Get 10% OFF site-wide from Hu Kitchen foods! Use code "JORGE"

- https://livedamnwell.com/recommends/hu-kitchen-full-site/


Find Dr. Ungar

- https://ungarlab.uark.edu/people/#ungar

Dr. Ungar’s two books

- https://amzn.to/3rWeuoF

- https://amzn.to/3LSyroC


NOT medical advice; not intended to treat, cure or diagnose; this video is merely for educational purposes. YOU are responsible for YOU.