Intimacy Expert, Allana Pratt ( is a global media personality and go-to authority for those who have suffered heartbreak and are ready to live unapologetically and attract an open-hearted ideal relationship. She has been chosen as an Icon of Influence, is a columnist on the GoodMenProject, and has been featured on Huffington Post, People Magazine, Forbes, CBS, ABC & FOX, and more.
This Ivy League grad is the Author of 6 books, has interviewed Whoopi Goldberg and Alanis Morrissette, and Hosts the edgy Podcast “Intimate Conversations” where listeners learn how to find the relationship they deserve. A certified coach with close to 5 million viewers on YouTube, Allana was asked by Leeza Gibbons to coach her during Dancing with the Stars.
While supporting a number of nonprofits, Allana has created a new category with an inclusive Partnering App & Intimacy Training called Heartmates where members Become the One to Find the One… which Keeps the One! She also offers Heartmates for Couples, private and group coaching plus retreats so that her clients have a thriving intimate relationship with themselves first, which naturally attracts and enhances their ideal partnerships.

In today’s episode, we are joined by Intimacy Expert, Allana Pratt as we have some juicy conversations and so much magic. Within this episode, Alanna comes full on with her story with who she is, with how she operates in this world after experiencing sexual assault and trauma. She also opens up on how she was able to heal from her young self. And with that comes stories that are very deep, inspiring, motivational, educational and super So let’s hear it from Allana Pratt!


In this Episode You’ll Learn:

[2:32] About our retreats

[07:13] Who Allana Pratt is?

[10:37] Why Allana does what she does

 [18:40] The layer of shame and violence

[15:45] Post traumatic relationship bullying is huge

[ 25:13] How Allana started her journey for personal power and freedom

[30:50] What Allana's clients have to say to her

[33:07] Allana’s mom visitation and the tough questions

[36:59] Conversation about personal power and freedom

[38:22] How Allana was able to heal her younger self and her experience now as a professional?

[41:17] How Allana was shaming the shame

[47:22] Powerful talk of sexual trauma and intimacy/ Allana’s sexual assault

[1:00:31] Why understanding our shadow parts is really important



“I didn't have an intimate relationship with myself. I didn't even know I had an inside, I was spinning so fast on the outside, trying to be safe look good, that I never slowed down. And when I did, it didn't feel very good to feel.” [10:50] Because the humiliated part of me doesn't want to be humiliated forever. She just wants to be held, until she doesn't have to change to be loved. Ever. Yeah, so I call that intimacy” [12:36] You cannot be in a secure relationship with somebody that is that insecure within themselves” [16:45] Like my dad, who was never present. He was drunk and stoned, never made me feel safe.” [20:03] “Just let ourselves say like, if you can enjoy being the hot mess if you could just be a bit gentler.” [24:30] Not everybody needs to be married Alanna. Maybe you just need some lovers and vibrators.” [24:37] The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek [25:42]. I am willing to stand up for myself, I am willing to speak up. I am willing to allow others to be uncomfortable with my truth. [26:46] I really do believe we come together to pass each other off and set each other free. Like we were meant to awaken each other and awakening, sometimes it's comfortable.” [32:16] We don't need to get rid of shame. Shame is required. Perfect, awesome, delicious, beautiful, highly uncomfortable, but awesome as the springboard to the other side of that continuum, which is our glory [45:07]. Intimacy, it's almost like connect, like you never get there. [51:54] Don't be afraid to let go of the people that are not in your best interest. And when you're letting go of those people that are not in your best interest, it doesn't mean that you can't keep a window open to invite them back in when it's time. [56:16]. I believe dating apps are designed to keep us single, they make money when we fail at love, not when we succeed [1:02:00]




Links Mentioned: 

Connect with Allana Pratt: Instagram: @allanapratt LinkedIn: Allana Pratt Facebook: Coach Allana Pratt Website: com Twitter: @allanapratt YouTube: Allana Pratt

Allana’s podcast: Intimate conversations


Mentioned Book

Florence William book: Heartbreak


Heart mate’s app

Website: Receive five free meditations recorded by me or download your free guide on how nature is your perfect healing therapy.


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