⬇️⬇️⬇️ FREE: Journaling and Scripting Mini Master Class !!! https://linktr.ee/likeattractslike

Thank you for joining me today!  Day 16 of our 30 day journey together...  NOTE:  Join me live on Instagram today ( March 16th ) I'll be answering the most common questions that I have received over the last 15 days so we can fine tune your process going into the back end of this journey!! See you there : )

Today we talk about one of those questions... The biggest block.. and the biggest energy vampire that there is ... And that is when we listen to the mind suggest to us that we are "Doing Something Wrong"... This is a trap and a trick... Now it doesn't mean that we can't be further away from our path than at other times... But what it means is that the answer isn't to listen to the shaming scared voice of the mind and ... worry.. stress..  If you are not getting the results you desire in your life...  You are in resistance to something .. Either how long you need it to take ( ego ) What should be happening that isn't ( ego )... or some type of voice saying things should be different than they are.. ( ego )...   Allowing things to be just as they are ... letting go of the insistency of the mind ... and asking for guidance .. clarity.. and evidence of the next step is where we begin to get back on our purposeful path..  Aligning WITH the Universe and Yourself... Not working against it .. See you inside the episode !!! 


Enrollment for The Next 1:1 Consciousness Mastery Programs: Click Link for more INFO! https://linktr.ee/likeattractslike

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