⬇️⬇️⬇️ FREE: Journaling and Scripting Mini Master Class !!! https://linktr.ee/likeattractslike

*** If you are listening to this on 3-15-21 I will be going LIVE on INSTAGRAM tomorrow at 4pm to answer any questions you may have regarding your manifestation journey so far !!  We are going to make it happen and I can't wait to see you there !

Here we are !! Day 15.  The half way point ... I've been hearing from so many of you amazing humans... Sooooo many of you are "getting this"...  It usually happens around NOW...  ( If you've been doing this consistently each day with your intention  )...  You've now understood by observing the old "story" of you that you ARE NOT what it says .. OR WHO IT SAYS YOU "ARE".... You are simply the observer of it .... From here you have now understood that you are presented with 2 voices .??? Hmmmmm... One seems to be for this thing I want ... and one is clearly against it... or my ability to get it ... or against the Universe being able to help in the process .lol ...  But you realize that you can simply CHOOSE... to give your attention and aligned energy to the voice that says you can...  KNOWING full well that the more you do this... the resistance felt from the Doubting ego mind is going to increase ... STILL.... give it no attention ...sit in the energy of it to show it you are no longer scared of it .. or believing what it says ... You will go through a sense of WTD as these old versions of you die... But you will emerge on the other side .. THAT much closer to what you want .. There is really no such thing as an OVERNIGHT success.... and inside we talk about how important it is to the entire process that we accept and surrender that ...  THEN you will shift .. IT is here.. and YOU are lining up to it perfectly !  MUCH LOVE TO YOU TODAY !

Enrollment for The Next 1:1 Consciousness Mastery Programs: Click Link for more INFO! https://linktr.ee/likeattractslike

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