⬇️⬇️⬇️ FREE: Journaling and Scripting Mini Master Class !!! https://linktr.ee/likeattractslike

THANK YOU!!!  To everyone who joined in on the Instagram Live session yesterday at 4pm!!!!   The response was incredible .. and more importantly I feel the Vibe that was set throughout the hour very powerfully helped so many reach new perspectives and shift many of the emotional attachments to blocks that were holding up progress of actually manifesting more authentically ...  Sometimes this part of the process... (Releasing the blocks part) ... means that in order for the new version and frequency we want to exist at to become a reality ... The old version needs to "die"... That egoic version of us represents the stored "story" of limitation.. lack.. and power outside of ourself ... This EGO DEATH... as it is commonly called.. can be violent and painful to experience .. .But KNOW... That with that purge of pain and emotion ... You are also healing the version of you that suffered unconsciously ... and from that pain ... You WILL emerge as the frequency of human you have bee desiring to create ... AS LONG AS WE DON'T JUDGE OURSELVES FOR THE EMOTIONAL PURGE AS BEING BAD.... ( yes I capitol letter shouted that ..LOL!!!    Don't judge the emotional purge or else the frequency of judgment will create that loop again for you .. Because to judge it means that you still don't understand ( unconscious to) .. .why it happened,.... It happened so you could know for sure that it IS NOT YOU....  and now you can evolve and move into who you actually are,... and attract your life from that point forward... MUCH LOVE TODAY !!  

Enrollment for The Next 1:1 Consciousness Mastery Programs: Click Link for more INFO! https://linktr.ee/likeattractslike

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