Thank you for joining me on todays show !!  Today we dive into one of the more popular subjects on the Podcast and in all of the 1:1 client sessions for sure... Overcoming the limiting belief systems we have that lead to the destruction or disruption of all of the Relationships we have with Everything .. lol !!   

Where do they come from? How did I take them on as my own.. and WHY DO I BELIEVE THEM SO POWERFULLY !!  We sometimes will argue or fight emphatically to defend these limitations that keep us stuck inside of limiting loops of chaos and confusion .

 The good news is ... There is a way out... If you are a human (check that off the list)... and if you are Aware of the belief that is limiting you.. ( check that off the list also) !  You qualify as being able to shift out of that belief and allow a new one that will actually allow you to be in the receiving mode of your vibrational reality ... You will be in "Alignment" ( I know that word is played out but it's accurate )... with that which you are looking to bring into your experience ... There is a way and we dive into it today !

Much Love to you today !


LAW of HYPNOTIC RHYTHM Podcast Episode:

▶️FREE: Join the APRIL 30th LIVE Creating and Keeping High Conscious Relationships Masterclass

▶️FREE: Journaling and Scripting Mini Master Class !!!

▶️Expand Your Consciousness | Transform Your Life Book A 1:1 Mentorship Session

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