Today we talk about one of the most common themes in any course or session... The idea that we keep attracting the "SAME" relationships to us ...  If we could look back at all of ( or most of ) our relationships.. they seem to follow a pattern...   If you take the "situations" away from the story.. and focus on the energy or emotion underneath those situations.. They all begin the same way.. and they end the same way... This is the system that is in place for us to realize what is happening... They are a mirror of who we are being.. who we are denying... and who we are blocking inside of us... Until we look at both the amazing wanted things,.. AND the unwanted things that are being created in our reality,.. We can never shift or evolve from them .. . Today we dive deep into the beginning stages of uncovering the Shadow Self that is barking to be heard .... and will come out any way that it can ...  Remember .. we are here this month to Create and Keep High Conscious Relationships going forward ... and in order to do that we must expose.. heal, and release the energy that is keeping us from that ... Hang on :))) Much Love Today !


⬇️⬇️⬇️ FREE: Join the APRIL 30th LIVE Creating and Keeping High Conscious Relationships Masterclass

FREE: Journaling and Scripting Mini Master Class !!!

Expand Your Consciousness And Transform Your Reality Book A 1:1 Mentorship Session HERE

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