Never has it been more important during the month of revealing the energetic laws behind relationships... that we uncover the main truth that will set you free from many of the "unwanted" experiences in your life... We teach people how to treat us...  It is obvious that this would mean that they will look to the example we set within ourselves about how we want to be treated... because we treat ourselves that way... But the truth of the matter is .. Most humans are NOT honest with themselves about how they actually treat themselves or the boundaries they keep.. This can cause much of the confusion with this statement in regards to an inner " belief " that you treat yourself well... and an external reality that reflects people taking advantage of you, abusing you or abandoning you,.... The external mirror of your reality is resolved inside of the source of the reflection ... YOU ! We dive in real deep today... but we also make some POWERFUL changes !!  Much Love Today !! 

~ Pat

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▶️Expand Your Consciousness | Transform Your Life Book A 1:1 Mentorship Session

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