The Champion you want to be tomorrow is created by the training you do TODAY! Most of us want tomorrow to be better, in some way, than today is. Yet, we don't take intentional steps, today, to make tomorrow better. We get stuck in pattern of doing the same thing today that we did yesterday, yet we are frustrated when things don't change for the better. You can fix this, TODAY! Listen as I explain more:

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Show Outline:

Tweet: The Champion you want to be tomorrow is created by the training you do TODAY!
Are you happy with your life today? If not, what are you doing to change it?
If you want your life to be different tomorrow, you need to make changes today

If you want to wake up and have the house clean, the laundry folded, dishes done, etc, you need to do those things before you go to bed tonight!
We become comfortable with our mess, our problems, our mediocrity
We hope things will get better, but we don't do anything today to move in that direction

You are always training for something
Are you planting seeds and fertilizing the soil to produce a crop at harvest?
Do you want career success, financial success, relationships, children, health?
What you are/have today is the result of your thoughts and behaviors every day up until today.
If you want to change the future, what something you different, you must think and do different things.
Having a dream, a plan for your life is vital--this is why I teach my Life Plan whenever I can (LIAM 50)
Read books, get a coach--success leaves clues!

Could you figure it out yourself? Maybe, but a coach can get you there faster - Join my LIAM Coaching Community or contact me about one-on-one coaching.

When you have a plan, you can evaluate everything on whether or not it moves you closer to your goals.
The MOST important change you can make today to create a better tomorrow is your thinking--eliminate negative thoughts, sarcasm, cynical comments from your thought patters. Think only in ways that improve you and your view of the world!
You CAN do this! You CAN change your life. You CAN do something today that will make tomorrow better!

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