Today is May 1st - May Day! May Day is a celebration of Spring, of renewal, growth, and abundance! The hard, cold, dark days of winter are over, the seeds have been planted and it is time to celebrate the abundance and joy of simply living. In contrast, the word "mayday" means there is a crisis, an emergency, and indicates desperate times. Which are you in? May Day, or Mayday? The difference is just a little space! Listen as I explain more:

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Show Outline:

Today is May 1st - May Day!
Spring is in full bloom, weather is stabilizing, seeds for the fall are in the ground.
Your life will not BE great until you decide that your life IS great!
The difference between May Day and Mayday is just a little space. If you are in Mayday (crisis, problem, despair) mode, give yourself a little space today. Take some time to stop focusing on all of the problems, the pain, the negative.
You get more of what you focus on!

Focus on gratitude, victories, goodness, peace, love

Take a deep breath, let it out. The fact that you can do that means you currently have everything you NEED in this moment. The rest is bonus--celebrate it, give thanks for it, ask for more of.
Think about the future you want in vivid details. Feel, right now, the feelings you will feel when you have that life--you don't need to wait until then to experience the feelings!
If you are crying Mayday to yourself--reach out to people, let them know. I'm here for you!

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